In recent weeks, the threat of the extreme right and the unbearable fascist rhetoric of Weidel, Musk and company have caused thousands to look for an alternative in outrage. While the CDU has thrown out any semblance of a firewall that never existed before it was even elected, it is the traffic light parties that have prepared the bed for AfD with their government of militarism, social devastation and mass deportations! They are responsible for their success and their current protest is pure hypocrisy.

In this situation, with the growing serious threath of the extreme right, Die Linke and its popular leader Heidi Reichinnek has been seen as a tool to try to stop this fascist, doubling their votes and reaching up now to nine percent in some polls and experienced an unprecedented wave of new members becoming an strong force among younger voters. This is a development that is encouraging, because it shows a strong anti-fascist consciousness and the enormous potential that exists when are put out social issues such as rents, pensions and inequality with a left perspective, which Die Linke campaigned on.

At the same time, all this developments are showing how important sectors of the youth and the working class are understanding the real dangers BSW speech represents, focusing as AfD on migration, with a racist reactionary agenda in line with all the traditional parties, including the SPD. Now its very obvius that Sarah Wagenknecht represents a very right-wing split of Die Linke, focus on economic nationalism and in defense of small and medium-sized business owners eager to make profits at the expense of the working class.

Voting is no enough. ¡Fight fascism with class strugle!

In this battle against the danger of supremacist ultraright, we marxist dont look away. We understand we need to fight with all our means, including voting. Thats why we call for a critical vote this sunday for Die Linke.

At the same time, we have to be clear. Die Linke is now more right-wing in terms of its program than ever before. It has given up any consistent internationalist and anti-imperialist position. Some prominent party leaders openly call for weapons delivery to Ukraine (Ramelow, Gysi etc.), they called for solidarity with Israel against "Hamas terrorists" in the middle of a terrible genocide in Gaza and they voted in parliament for banning Palestinian organizations, together with AfD and the rest of parlamentary parties. An international policies that has his reflection in their national policies, voting in favour of participation in capitalist goverments with SPD or Green, after all they had done in this last four years.

These are not trivialities, but indispensable positions for a party that wants to be a real alternative to capitalist misery! All this positions, supporting supposed “realistic”policies that in the end had benefit CDU and AfD, are behind the crisis experience by Die Linke in the last years. For this path, there is a serious danger that the potential that exists now will be wasted.

Tens of thousands of voters and activists are hoping for a left-wing alternative to fight and stop the threath of AfD or another four years of the pro-capitalist and pro-war policies that politicians like Gysi or Ramelow stand for. If the new leaders of the party are serious, then the wave of new support should be a wake-up call: we must NOW draw the conclusions about why the party was insignificant in the first place! We must NOW draw the conclusions from years of lukewarm reformist policies and co-management of the capitalist crisis!

Let us support the Left critically on February 23rd, but above all and beyond the elections let us build a revolutionary alternative of the working class, putting forward a mass movement in the streets that based itself in the class struggle and in an internationalist, anti-capitalist and socialist program.

But for this we need a revolutionary party and not a party that only focuses on parliamentary maneuvers. Die Linke will not be enough, we need a complete departure from its previous policies and instead a policy of struggle on the streets.

We invite all anti-fascists and all new and old members to fight with us to build that movement and to built the party of socialist revolution. Unite Offensive!






