We must occupy the streets against the Zionist massacre and the authoritarianism of the German Government!

While the State of Israel commits a bloody genocide in the Gaza Strip, the German Government and all the parties in the parliamentary arch, from AfD to Die Linke , shamelessly show which side they are on, together with the Zionist, colonialist and fascist Government of Netanyahu and against the Palestinian people.

The entire bourgeois press speaks in alarm about the emergence of a new type of racism, but they are not referring to the brutal slaughter of Palestinian children, no!, but to what they call "Islamic anti-Semitism". What cynicism! They only seek to justify the genocide against the Palestinian people!

The ruling class is taking the bloody war against Palestine to the streets of German cities, intensifying as never before the criminalization and repression against all those who show solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle, and who denounce the war crimes that are taking place by the Zionist State.

Authoritarianism and repression take a qualitative leap in Germany

Repression is currently reaching a new level. A new stage in the development of authoritarian and reactionary tendencies, which fuel the rise of the AfD . Demonstrations in solidarity with the Palestinian people have been banned almost everywhere. And where there are attempts, through meetings or rallies, the police do not hesitate to arrest even minors using brutal violence. Palestinians and Arabs who wear the keffiyeh, the Palestinian headscarf, or wave Palestinian flags are arrested for this reason alone. A video[1] of a young student who took out a Palestinian flag at a school in Berlin, and was hit in the face by a teacher, after which only the student was suspended!, has caused a real scandal. In a primary school in Berlin, a questionnaire was distributed among students asking their political opinions on the State of Israel and the war against Palestine, to girls and boys of 6, 7 or 8 years old!

The CSU, one of the traditional right-wing parties, has proposed a four-point program according to which asylum seekers and migrants should be deported if they do not "commit sufficiently to Israel's right to exist," insisting on the lie of "Muslim anti-Semitism" to justify this extreme right-wing measure. And precisely this is being done by a party that has recently closed ranks with the Deputy Minister-President of the state of Bavaria, Hubert Aiwanger , from the Bavarian far-right Free Voters party, after it was discovered that he was active in openly anti-Semitic Nazi organizations in his youth.[2]

Along with this openly racist campaign, which Scholz and his “progress” government have now joined, raising the need to “deport on a large scale” in the face of “a situation of insecurity in Germany”, we are also experiencing a massive campaign of Zionist propaganda that has penetrated sectors of the reformist left such as Die Linke . A campaign that reproduces without nuance the open lies of the Zionist Government, such as that the bombing of the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza was the result of Palestinian rockets. Disgusting lies that have only one objective, to justify the war, the massacre, the genocide of the Palestinian people!

DIE LINKE subscribes to this criminalization campaign and makes a united front with the right and reactionary parties

We are not surprised that the right wing parties or the current German Government, led by the SPD and the Greens, supports the atrocities of Zionism. They have supported long ago the different Israeli governments in their ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians. But the most serious thing is not this position, nor the repression unleashed, but rather that they find an echo within the so call “radical” left, Die Linke, and within the union movement.  

In this context, a party like DIE LINKE - with its parliamentary group in the Bundestag and its enormous financial and personnel apparatus - could use all its resources, capabilities and public projection to call for demonstrations in support of the Palestinian population, gaining the support of thousands of people, tens of thousands of Palestinians and Arabs living in Germany, and thousands of Germans who are shocked by the crimes of the State of Israel, the authoritarian drift of the Government and State apparatus, and the racist deportation campaigns.

But the DIE LINKE leadership has formed a close alliance with all the other parties in the parliamentary arc, a policy of national unity that they refuse to break. Instead of being the only party in the Bundestag that takes the side of the oppressed, DIE LINKE has decided to sign statements in favor of repression, the criminalization of the Palestinian and Arab population, and the justification of the Zionist genocide, including both the CDU and the AfD! Its representatives in the Bundestag voted in favor of a resolution that, among other things, calls for racist deportations for crimes that may be committed within demonstrations and protests, and the banning of Palestinian organizations such as the Samidoun solidarity network with Palestinian prisoners.[3]

The German bourgeoisie attacks immigrants and represses solidarity protests in the streets, and DIE LINKE participates in it!

Only by fighting in the streets will we be able to stop the Zionist massacre and the Government's repression!

Despite this battery of actions and repressive measures, the indignation at the criminal actions of the State of Israel, the images of the hundreds of Palestinian children, women and men murdered in the Gaza Strip, but also in the West Bank, and the images of massive demonstrations around the world, are breaking with this attempt of criminalization, producing, despite the ban, massive demonstrations in Germany too like the one we saw this weekend in Dusseldorf and to which other cities have joined and will join.

From Offensive (Revolutionary Left) we call on the entire combative left and social movements to respond in the streets against this attempt to forbid and criminalize protests and strikes in solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Resistance from below against repression from above!

The war of the Zionist State and North American imperialism, with the collaboration of the EU, and the attempted genocide on our brothers and sisters in Gaza, is unleashing a new class struggle wave throughout the world. We find ourselves facing a new massacre, a new barbarism, which reveals the decadence of the entire capitalist system. But it also makes it clear that the oppressed will fight and rise up to end imperialist wars, national oppression like the Palestinians brutally suffer, and against a system that is only capable of offering barbarism, misery and suffering.

Join the revolutionary communists and fight with us against this system that only leaves war, exploitation and destruction!


[1] https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyLe9DasrL-/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D

[2] https://www.mdr.de/nachrichten/deutschland/politik/a i wanger-soeder-antisemitisches-flugblatt-100.html

[3] https://dserver.bundestag.de/btd/20/087/2008736.pdf _







